Myles was inside a mall, just looking around. Because of what she looks like, she is attracted to people who likes to bug her by saying mean things to her. But today was different. She wasn’t just bugged by words, but now, she is being physically harassed by some younger guys inside the mall. She really doesn’t know how to react cause she wasn’t really a violent person, the least. But when she was about to react, a guy came over and told them to bug off. When she turned to look at the guy, she was so shocked, that she almost fainted from where she was standing. It was Nakamaru Yuichi of KAT-TUN. Myles thought... “what is he doing here?”
On the other hand, Maru was with the other members of his group shopping a little because they were on vacation. They were inside a sports store when they heard the racket outside. The all took a look, but Maru was the only who looked at the happening clearly. When he saw the a group of boys were harassing a girl, he went out to give a hand. The others just stood for a while and see where Maru was going.
Maru: What do you think you guys are doing?
Boy 1: Why do you acre? Besides, this is none of you business.
Maru: I’m making this my business, now bug off!
Boy 2: Why, do you know this girl? She nothing...
Maru threw a punch at the boy. The boy fell down on the ground. Just then, Tanaka Koki appeared...
Koki: I wouldn’t do that if I were you.
Koki gave the boy his scary look, while Myles was just standing the looking at the current situation. Shocked, scared, shaking, all at the same time. She just can’t believe that the people that helped her was Maru and Koki. When the boys tried to come back to fight the two, the other members showed up, Taguchi Junnosuke, Ueda Tatsuya, Akanishi Jin and Kamenashi Kazuya. They were a lot taller than the five boys, so they all backed off and ran away. Myles was still staring at them like a moron. She, literally, couldn’t move. Her jaws were almost at the ground from shock. Maru came close to her and asked how she was....
Maru: Miss, are you ok?
Myles just stood there, still...
Maru: Miss?
Koki: Maru, I think she in shock. Maybe we should get her something to drink. Junno go buy some water or something.
Junno: Ok... (then ran off)
Kame: Miss, I think you should sit down for a while. (Leading her to a chair)
Jin: Miss... what’s your name? Are you ok?
Maru: She’s still in shock.
Junno: Here... (giving the water to Maru who sat beside Myles)
Maru: Miss, here drink this. Then maybe you can tell us your name.
Myles drank the water. Took some deep breaths before speaking.
Myles: Mina, Arigato...
They all looked at her, shocked that they thanked her in Japanese. Then Maru finally spoke... (Let’s pretend that now they are all speaking in Japanese)
Maru: It’s ok. Those guys doesn’t know how to respect their Nee-chan or Okasan because they harasse girls. Anyway, what’s you name?
Myles: Myles desu... Arigato, Maru-san.
Maru: So you know me?
Myles: Hai! So is Koki-san, Junno-san, Ueda-san, Jin-san, and Kame-san. (smiling weakly)
Maru: Wow! You are the first to tell us you know us. Other people doesn’t.
Myles: That’s because you are here in the province. Not many here listens to foreign songs. In the city, there might be a lot of girls who knows you guys, specially Jin and Kame because of Gokusen 2.
Kame: So, yoou saw that jdorama?
Myles: Yup. I have my own dvd. It’s not original yet cause they aren’t selling the originals here yet. Still waiting for my order from Japan.
Kame: Oh...
Myles: Kedo, watshi hoping that Japanese dramas and movies will be released here soon.
Then Myles phone suddenly rang... it was her father.
Myles: Moshi moshi... I mean, hello dad.
Dad: Where are you? Aren’t you coming hoome yet?
Myles: I’m sorry. I’ll be home in a few hours. I haven’t bought all the supplies need for the resort.
Dad: Ok. Just hurry up coz a lot of people will be staying overnight at the resort today.
Myles: Yes dad. I’ll be home soon. Love you. Bye...
Koki: Is you otosan looking for you?
Myles: Yes. Well, I have to go now. Arigato.
When Myles was just about to leave... she gave Maru her business card.
Myles Robles, GM of Seabass Resort and Hotel. Her cellphone and address was also written there. She bid farewell again, then left. Almost running away from them. As Maru was reading the card, the other guys went back inside the sports store. Just as maru stood up, she saw that Myles left her wallet on the bench. But when looked around for Myles, she already disappeared and no where in sight. Junno appoarched Maru who saw him standing there with the wallet in his hand.
Junno: She left her wallet?
Maru: I guess she was so surprised to see us and the mmm that she got from before, that when she took out her cell she didn’t noticed that sher wallet fell on the bench.
Junno: Are we gonna look for her?
Maru: No need, she gave us her card so we can just contact her later.
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