Friday, June 19, 2009
Of Magic Spells and Misunderstandings... Ending 2
Ending 2
Kato went home thinking ‘How the hell am I going to take care of Nyata? But then again, I owe Keii a lot.’ He sighed heavily. He didn’t even noticed that he was already in front of his apartment building.
He took his keys out and about to turn the said key when he noticed that it was unlock. “Shit!!! I left the door open?’ He carefully took a peek inside his place, and saw his television running. He looked around, but saw no one. ‘Oh my gosh!’ He completely opened the door and saw a pair of familiar shoes. ‘Huh?’ He immediately took off his own shoes, and walked soundlessly to his living room. When he approached the couch, he saw a pair of feet. He picked up his bag, ready to throw it to the perpetrator, but immediately the bag landed on the floor with a loud ‘thud.’ To his surprise, the sleeping man was none other than Ryo.
Ryo stirred from his sleep upon hearing the noise. He tiredly opened his eyes to see who made the noise.
“Oi Shigeaki! Didn’t you see I was sleeping?”
“Why are you here? How did you get in? And why the hell did you left the door open? What if someone else came in and did something bad to you?” Kato hurriedly said while panting a little, ‘coz his heart beat was currently speeding up.
“Aaww... you care?” Ryo teased while sitting up.
Kato turned pink. “Why would I?”
“Ah...I see. Ok... no problem. Since you’re home...” Ryo stood up and picked up his bag. “... I can go now.”
He walked pass Kato to the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.” Hurt was evident in his voice.
“You’re not gonna get back at me?” Panic stuck, in attempt to continue the conversation.
Ryo was holding the door knob, back facing the younger one when he answered. “Why should I? There’s no reason to, plus I don’t want to fight. I just thought that we could talk without needing to argue.” Opened the door, walked out, and closed the door quietly.
Kato was too surprised at Ryo’s statement. Then it hit him again, Keii statement yesterday at Jin and Junno’s apartment. “Ryo liked you back the way you liked him.”
“Shit!!!” Kato shouted and immediately ran to the door.
When he got out of his apartment building, Ryo was lazily walking further from him. He was running while shouting. “Nishikido-kun!!! Nishikido-kun!!!!”
Ryo looked back, when he saw it was Kato, he went back to walking further.
“Shit! He is so mad.” He still ran after him. When he reached him, he immediately grabbed his arm to stop him. Ryo automatically stopped, didn’t move, but didn’t look at him either.
Kato was panting really hard. “Nishikido-kun...” breathing heavily. “....please... come back to the apartment with me.” Still panting.
Ryo still didn’t answered back nor look at him.
Kato couldn’t take anymore of Ryo’s stubbornness. “Ryo, please!”
Still the other stood still.
“Ryo, please. We need to talk.”
Ryo wiggled himself free, then walked back to Kato’s apartment.
Kato sighed and smiled, and walked back to his apartment as well.
When they got back, Ryo sat himself on the couch while Kato sat a little far from the other.
“I’m sorry Nishikido-kun.” Kato started.
“Oh... I’m sorry Ryo. I know I hurt you guys badly. We hurt you guys.”
“Well,... I don’t know.” He faced the other. “Can you forgive me?”
“I already forgave Pi.” Then he turned as well to the other. “What do I get if I forgave you?”
“What do I get if I forgave you?”
“How about....” ‘I can’t believe this is happening to me.’ “Ahm... I’ll do your laundry for a month.”
“That’s it?”
“Ok... I’ll bring you food for a month too.”
“That’s it?”
“Oh, uhm... I’ll fetch and take you home?” Waiting for Ryo’s approval.
“And?” Ryo staring blankly at him.
“Well, I don’t know anymore. What else do you want? I offered everything I can think off.” Tears swelling up. He was panic-ing already. He doesn’t know what the other wants.
“You don’t know?”
“Yes!” Tears now starting to fall down.
The older one inched closely to him, and wiped his tears away. “How about this?” Then he kissed him on the lips. Just a peck.
Kato was surprised at his action, and just stared at the other.
Ryo laughed a little then caressed the face of the other while smiling. “Kato?”
“Do you like me or do you love me?” Tone serious but sincere.
“I...I...” His cheeks turned bright red.
“Why do you ask?”
“Because I deserve an honest answer.”
“You do...”
“Yes I do. You’ve made me miserable, now I deserve to be happy or move on.” Still caressing Kato’s face.
Kato took a deep breath, held his hand, and stared. “I like you for so long, I don’t know when it turned into love. Now... now.... I love you so much. So fucking much, that I got jealous when I saw you hugging Keii.” His tears fell again. “And I don’t freaking know why when I was fully aware that Keii loved Pi. I guess I got insecure that you and Keii gotten so close, that all I got from you were insults, arguments and fights.” Tears kept falling, while the older one kept wiping it away.
“I’m sorry too, for all the insults and fights. It was the only way to get your attention. You were always busy with you studying and stuff, that if I don’t insult or argue with you, you won’t stop and take notice of me.” Ryo confessed.
He immediately hugged Kato tightly, and the other responded. Ryo whispered...”I love you with all my life Shigeaki Kato. Please, stay with me.”
“I’ll stay by your side forever.”
Ryo pulled back, held Kato’s neck and kissed him softly and lovingly. He responded back by opening his mouth a little to let Ryo in. Ryo pulled him much closer, if possible and deepened the kiss. Earning him a moan.
Then went to Kato’s room and made love for the first time that night.
Opening his eyes, he felt someone staring at him. He looked up and saw a smiling Ryo.
“Good morning love.”
“’Morning hon. Come on. We can’t be late to work. Go take a shower now.”
“Why don’t you join me?” The younger asked seductively.
“If I do that, we will be late and you won’t be able to walk for a week.” Ryo answered playfully. “Anyway, we get off early, we’ll do that later.” Kissed him on the lips and went to get his things outside.
Kato smiled his way to the bathroom while limping.
Pi and Keii were already on the couch cuddling when Ryo and Kato both arrived at the same time holding hands. Nobody said anything about it except... “Kato... you’re limping as well? Did you fall from somewhere like Keii?” Tego said.
Both friends turned beet red. Keii buried his face on Pi’s neck and Kato hid behind Ryo.
Eveything did turn out well for both couples. And their member ai and NewS tightness back in order.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Of Magic Spells and Misunderstandings... Ending 1
Ending 1
Pi went home and thought about everything that happened just now. His guilt is up to his neck. His mind is aching. His vision spinning.
He lay down and took deep breaths. “Am I really that bad? Why did I even do it?”
“I never knew you were such a jealous freak.” Ryo said while standing at the foot of Pi’s bed.
“Was that a funny question? I didn’t know you are funny?” Laughed a little.
“I know where you hide your spare key. Hhmm... So, any plans for Keii and me from you and Shige?” A serious tone can be detected.
“Have become a monster Ryo?” Not meeting his eye. “I love him and yet I still hurt him so much.”
“It’s called jealousy my friend. And it’s the hardest to fight.” Approached Pi and patted his back.
“How can you call me ‘friend’ after what I did to you?”
“Because it’s who you really are, my friend.”
“Why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be with Keii?”
“I was. But after I dropped him off at his apartment, I told him I’ll come see you.”
“Look Pi, I don’t want to know how you’ve manage to convince Shige to follow your weird idea. Just go and talk to Keii. I know him. He will forgive you no matter what, just apologize and tell him about your feelings.”
“But what if he doesn’t accept me anymore. After what I did to him and you, and dragging Shige along... I don’t know.”
“I forgave you didn’t I? Then Keii will too.”
“How can you forgive when I didn’t even apologize properly to you?”
Ryo smiled a little and hugged his friend. “Because we’re cool people.”
Pi returned the hug and laughed at the statement. “Maybe we are. Thank you.”
“No problem. You can cry your heart out for Keii, just not infront of me. Remember, we are cool people.”
“Well, I gotta go. We have an early appointment tomorrow.”
“Wait, what about Shige?”
“What about him?”
“Aren’t you gonna talk to him?”
“I think he better make up with Keii first. Their friendship is much more important than any other relationship. Just like you and me. We’ve been friends so long not to forgive and forget, right?”
“Besides, our future relationship can wait a little more. I want our old stupid member ai group back.”
“Thanks Ryo. Thank you so much.”
With that, Ryo left Pi with a smile on his face.
The following day, they all arrived quietly. Anticipating the next move the other was going to make. Ryo sat by the single couch. Tego and Massu sat together by the table. Pi and Kato sat at the opposite couch. Keii still hasn’t arrived yet. Nobody moved until Keii arrived.
Half an hour has passed, but still no Keiichiro Koyama arrived. Ryo pulled out his phone and called the older one. When the other answered...
“Where are you? You know you’re already late.”
“I know, but the train I took stopped because of some electrical problems. I’ll be there in 10 minutes.”
“Ok... stay safe.” And then he hanged up. Everybody was staring at him after he kept his phone. “What?”
“What happened to him?” Massu asked.
“Oh, he’ll be here in 10. Electrical problems with the train he took.”
“Oh good. I thought something bad already happened. He is never late you know.” Tego sighed in relief.
The door finally burst open revealing a panting Keii. “Oh my gosh! I thought I won’t make it.” Settled at the arm chair of Ryo’s seat.
“What the hell... your sweat is dripping on me!” Wiping it off him.
“What? Like that never happened before.”
Ryo’s eyes went from thin to shocking saucer size.
“Don’t start with me. What are you even saying?”
“Everytime you wipe your sweat off, it will hit me. And in revenge, I do it to you too. What else?”
“Uhm guys, can I talk to Keii alone?” Kato interrupted.
“Sure. Everybody out.” Ryo shooing everyone.
Keii sank down on the seat where Ryo stood from and looked around except Kato.
Kato kneeled down in front of him and held his hand. A single tear already dropped even if he hasn’t started talking yet. “... Please forgive me. I know I’m a such a dumbass for what I did. I was wrong. Please forgive me.” Then the river of tears flowed.
The older one was looking at the wall when his own tears fell. “I don’t know...what I did... to...you... for you to... do it. I trusted you with all my life Shige... you knew that. Then you betrayed me without even speaking to me.” His own tears fell uncontrollably.
“I know. I’m sorry. Please... let me make it up to you. Just forgive me.”
“Shige... are you sure about that?”
“Yes. Just forgive me. You are my family here at JE, aside from NewS.”
“Ok... but you have to take care of Nyata for a month for these.”
Keii looked at him with a smile on his face. He hugged his friend. “I missed you Shige.”
Kato hugged back. “I missed you too.”
Then practice that day went a little smoothly. It’s all up to Pi now. Ryo thought. He was happy to see his friend smiling again and having fun with Kato.
Before they were done packing... “Keii, are you serious that I will have to take care of Nyata for a whole month?”
“Yup. So better stack up on allergy pills.” And left a stunned Kato inside the room.
And the others, well, they heard the conversation and all laughed. Ryo patted Kato’s back before leaving the room as well. Which made Kato more chocked than ever. “Did he just pat me? No, he can’t just forgive like that. No, that was just a dream.” He sighed deeply before leaving as well.
That night, Keii was finished taking a shower when his door bell rang. He couldn’t think of anybody who will come to his place so late. He looked at the clock and it read 10 o’clock in the evening. Then the door bell rang again. He covered himself with his white robe before opening his door. When he reached the door, he didn’t bother peeking through the hole and just swung open the door. It took him a good few seconds before it processed in his mind that Yamashita Tomohisa was at his door step.
Pi fidgeted a little, “Aren’t you gonna invite me to come in?”
“Oh.” Keii was literally shocked to Pi. He moved aside for the other to step in.
Pi took his shoes off before he proceeded to the living room. He didn’t take a seat. He waited for Keii to join him there. When Keii was in the same area he asked Pi to have a seat and he went to the kitchen to get some tea for the two of them. He placed it on the coffee table and sat across Pi.
“This is a surprise. What brings you here?”
“Ah... well I wanted to talk to you.”
“Ok. Please hurry it up, I need to sleep early. I have a meeting for Shokura before going to the jimusho tomorrow.”
“I see. I just came by to apologize for what happened.”
“It’s been forgotten. After coming home from Jin and Junno’s apartment, I had a good cry. Ryo was here too. Then he left me sleeping already in my room. So everything’s fine now. I don’t want to talk about it already. So if you have nothing else to say...” He said while standing up.
“I... please Keii don’t shut me out.” He also stood up and went beside Keii.
“There is nothing more to talk about. You already have Shige. Everybody happy. Now please Yamashita-san, go home.”
“No, please hear me out.” He grabbed Keii arms.
“Let go of me!” Wriggling free.
“Please Keii... I can’t... please...” His tears started falling. “I’m not with Kato. And I’m not happy because I don’t have you.”
“Really... how pathetic.” Sarcastically said.
“Please Keii, believe me. What can I do to make you believe me?”
“I don’t know... you hurt me here.” Pointing his heart. Now his tears started to drop. “How can I believe you when you never showed any sign that you liked me before, then out of nowhere you hurt me with my own best friend. Now you’re declaring you love me? This is pointless. Please leave.”
“No! I’ll do anything please believe me. Please. Let me show you how much I Love You. My jealousy took over that’s why I acted that way. I was fine that we were close. I can’t figure how to tell you because you might reject me. Then Ryo happened. I was a jealous freak.”
“A jealous freak?”
“Yeah. Ryo pointed that out last night.”
“I see. So you’re possessive, jealous, and stupid.”
“Yes... but I’ve never been like this. Only to you.”
“Yes... please... forgive me.” Now Pi kneeled down and hugged Keii by his waist.
“Don’t do that Yamashita-kun...” Trying to free himself, but futile.
“I won’t until... atleast... you forgive me...” Voice soft and low.
“Ok... ok... fine... just let go.”
By accident, Pi brushed Keii’s front side, making the older one shiver from the contact. A blush easily crept to his cheeks, which Pi noticed.
“Keii, are you alright?” Looked at his face with concern. “You look hot? Are you coming up with something?”
“Yeah, my thingy.” Whispered Keii.
“Did you say something?”
“No! Nothing, nothing.” Turned his back on Pi. We will not let the other see what is happening to his lower part since he has no underwear yet.
“Yeah” Still his back is facing the other.
“Can you call me Pi again?”
“Sure...uuhhmm... yeah.”
“And Keii...”
“Yeah... please look at me first.”
“Just can’t.”
“Do you need a cold shower to die it down?” With a chuckle along.
He turned more red till the neck and ran to his room. Pi went to the door and opened it. Keii heard it and sighed. He didn’t even say goodnight or goodbye. Then the door closed again. Keii sighed again.
He was taking his robe off when his door burst open. He turned around surprised to see Pi looking at him with lust in his eyes. Keii can’t move. His feet stuck on the floor. Pi approached him and hugged him. Keii melted into the hug and hugged back, with a contented sigh escaping his lips.
Pi broke the hug first looked in Keii eyes and slowly closed the distance of their face and their lips landed on each other. Soft, slow, sweet. Full of love that has been kept. Keii placed his hand on the younger’s neck to deepen the kiss. Pi broke the kiss and took off his clothes. Both naked, facing each other. Keii looked away from embarrassment.
“Keii... look at me.” And the other obliged. “I want to make love with you.”
“I want you to love me.”
And the two kissed again. Pi pushed Keii towards the bed and laid the other down without breaking their current activity.
Pi looked at him with loving eyes, when Keii said... “I gonna be late and limping tomorrow, aren’t I?”
And then shared another passionate kiss....
Pi and Keii were already on the couch cuddling when Ryo and Kato both arrived at the same time holding hands. Nobody said anything about it except... “Kato... you’re limping as well? Did you fall from somewhere like Keii?” Tego said.
Both friends turned beet red. Keii buried his face on Pi’s neck and Kato hid behind Ryo.
Eveything did turn out well for both couples. And their member ai and NewS tighness back in order.